Dog Island Trip
Yesterday, Saturday, I paddled from Lanark Village to Dog Island (about 3.8 miles). The map shows a dotted line for the ferry from Carrabelle, but if you move a bit northeast on the coastline you will see Lanark Village. I put in there (at a very nice spot off the road at Connecticut Avenue) and paddled to the easternmost end of Dog Island.
Put-in at Lanark (Dog Island can barely be seen on the horizon looking from the end of the dock.)
I paddled along the northern coast to the little cut where I found the Dog Island Yacht Club -- basically a marina with a ferry landing from what I could see. I got out there, and walked across to the Gulf.
Landing at the Dog Island Yacht Club
Gulf views
When I returned to the bayside I found a small shelter at the ferry landing and had my lunch. I only saw two fishermen and a family unloading their boat while I was there, but there were a lot of boats moored and an airstrip nearby.
I paddled back to Lanark and then drove to St. George Island, where I camped and had a very nice dinner with Ellen at Eddy Teach's.